Aug 6, 2008

7 days - Movie & A Journey Around Markets

I'm trying to spend as much time as possible with my friends here before leaving, and it was the main topic of my day. In the morning I met Monica, my Italian teacher and Portuguese student to watch a Brazilian movie. At the beginning we thought it was a movie based on a book I read many many years ago called [Capitães da Areia, by Jorge Amado], but then I realized that it had nothing to do with the book.

I felt really ashamed as it is a movie with
Fernanda Torres and Fernanda Montenegro - two actresses I really like - in Lençóis Maranhenses, a beautiful place in the northeast of Brazil. It's called [A casa de Areia], and although the movie was brilliant, my favorite part was the Making Of of it. How everyone struggled to do their best in a region that is so cruel to people and animals, but at the same time so extraordinarily amazing, where sand and water fight for every piece of land.

After that we had lunch together and met Mamiko and Byron (my American friend that reads my blog!) for our weekly (and my last) Japanese class. We'll have a lunch on Friday, to which I'm bringing
bolinhos de bacalhau, so Mamiko and I went to the Portuguese Market in Mountain View to buy some bacalhau. We had a great time together, she bought Guaraná, Pão de queijo mix, água de coco and some Piraquê snacks. After that, we went to the Japanese Nijiya Market, where I bought onigiri (rice balls filled with salmon and with a sea weed around it) for my dinner and some yookan (candy made of sweet beans).

And our day hasn't finished yet! We're now going to our neighbors to have some Pão de queijo Forno de Minas and a Passionfruit Mousse made with Maguary juice. Yay!


Marilia said...

Be happy!

Anonymous said...

calma, respira e conta até 10, nada de começar a chorar! ;)

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the short trip to supermarkets with you. Arigato-.

Anonymous said...

Oi Paula ... mi mancherai tanto! Peró so che ci vedremo presto. Baci.