Aug 3, 2008

9 days left

You all know I'll miss California a lot, and we've started to say goodbye to things and people we'll miss most. From today until August 13th this will be for sure the main topic of this blog. People, food, places, stories, movies, everything that will be in our memories from our life in California.

Yesterday we went to Berkeley and I really don't dare saying "for the last time", just for the last time in August. We had an amazing dinner at La Mediteranee, but I have to say that the high moment of our night was tasting all those amazing ice creams from Ici. Gi [wrote] a post about it, so I won't do it again, but it was just marvelous.

This morning we went to the Farmer's Market, and I [wrote] about it months ago, when we were there for the first time and also to where we brought our parents and siblings. We both woke up this morning with the same idea: let's say goodbye to our two favorite crepes: Citron and Banana. This time it was even better, as now we had our neighbors to join us.

And speaking about neighbors. I know I've said this before, but I have to repeat it, probably because in Brazil we don't have this whole concept of neighbors being your best friends, going to coffee shops and spending hours and hours there together - oh yes, like Friends sitcom - or even watering their plants while they are on a trip and getting as a "payment" some super organic cherry tomatoes and corn from their garden.

10 minutes before writing this post they were here (home), watching a movie with us in the middle of cardboard moving boxes, having popcorn with red wine and talking about the social differences between our countries. I just can't get this out of my mind: will my NYC neighbors be this nice?


Luciana said...

Aahhh nem me fale... despedidas são tristes...
Mas pensar no que vem de novo e de bom pela frente ajuda muito!
Boa sorte pra vcs e curtam muito os ultimos dias de Califórnia!

Ana Paula said...

Querida, estou em um cyber no meio do nada na Espanha "postando" no nosso blog e aproveitei para ver como estão sendo seus últimos dias por aí... Fiquei realmente emocionada. Já mudei de cidade uma vez e sei o quanto é difícil deixar sua casa, amigos e lugares preferidos para trás... Mas o bom, é que sempre aparecem coisas novas e melhores! Aproveite com carinho essas últimas semanas, porque as lembraças que ficam são preciosas. E continue "nos visitando" sempre. Adoro seus comentários! Besitos. Bo

Marilia said...

Saudades, palavra que existe só em Português, mas que vale para o mundo todo.
Ela é agri doce, metade boa e metade ruim. Boa porque é sempre ligada a coisas legais que vivemos. Ruim porque é a ausência destas mesmas coisas...

Rachel A. said...

I'm sure you will find some amazing neighbors in NY but I am sure going to miss you guys! I will definitely have to make my first trip to New York this year :) Last night was fun as I love to talk about cultural and sociopolitical difference (I am known for asking all the uncomfortable questions but thats how you find out all the good stuff and how people really feel about something). I hope we can do it again a few times before you leave us.....